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Urea Phosphate Advantages and Application release time: 2022-11-04

Urea Phosphate is a kind of environmental crop product, which is characterized by less dosage and no residue. It’s a necessary fertilizer used for export fruit and vegetables planting with the followings advantages:

1. Improving soil, water soluble

2. Increasing fertilizer efficiency, reducing saline and alkaline

3. Stimulating the root, resisting continuous cropping


So what is Urea Phosphate? What does it do for soil?What is Urea Phosphate on earth?

Urea Phosphate is a fertilizer which can improve saline soil. Without impurities and chlorination while including urea nitrogen and phosphoric acid root P, it is easily to be absorbed quickly with obvious effect and stability. The use ratio of P and ammonium nitrogen in Urea Phosphate is 98%, while it’s only 10%-15% in normal phosphate fertilizer. Urea Phosphate can effectively control soil ammonia volatilization and stimulate medium and minor nutrient element. Meanwhile, it plays an important role in agricultural income increasing and cost decreasing.

Analysis of the effect of urea phosphate on soil

l Urea phosphate can control PH of soil

In acid red soil and alkaline pink sand soil, when normal urea is hydrolyzed to NH4 under urase, PH of soil micro-area will rise. In acid soil, PH increasing is good for soil to minus the aluminum harm to plants. However, for a large area of calcareous soil especially alkaline soil, PH increasing goes against soil physical and chemical properties, soil structure as well as plant growth and agricultural production in the area. Meanwhile, urea phosphate is an unstable complex that will dissociate into urea and phosphate acid once it gets into soil and release a little CO2 and NH3. Therefore, as a fertilizer and saline-alkali soil improver, urea phosphate will be able to reduce PH of soil and reach the balance of soil acid-base.

l Urea phosphate can reduce ammonia volatilization

Ammonia volatilization is the main way of soil nitrogen loss. In part of the soil that ammonia volatilizes easily, the loss of nitrogen due to Ammonia volatilization could account for 40%-50% of the total nitrogen application in soil. Thus, reducing ammonia volatilization is one of the most important ways to improve the use ratio of nitrogen fertilizer. Controlling ammonium nitrogen content and PH in soil is the key technology to reduce ammonia volatilization and improve nitrogen utilization.

Urea phosphate has a potential advantage of reducing ammonia volatilization in nitrogen fertilizer application in soil. As an acid fertilizer, urea phosphate can reduce PH of soil effectively, and then reduce ammonia volatilization in soil accordingly, improving fertilizer utilization. Additionally, urea phosphate can also reduce the speed of urea hydrolyzing, ammonium nitrogen content in soil and the speed of ammonia volatilization in soil efficiently. It’s beneficial for excitation of calcium and magnesium in soil, increasing the effect of middle and minor fertilizer.

When normal phosphate fertilizer gets into soil, it will react with medium nutrient element like calcium and magnesium as well as nutrient element like zinc and manganese, forming insoluble sediments. This reduced activeness of calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese in soil and also reduced the use ratio of phosphate fertilizer in that season. As an acid complex nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, urea phosphate could not only increase hydrion but also reduce PH in soil, and then speed the dissolution of hydroxide precipitates in calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese, increasing it’s effect.

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